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Content in 25 languages

Marmof is usable by nearly everyone across the globe.

With the abundance of languages spoken around the world, why limit content creation to just English? Our writing capabilities can be utilized in 25 different languages to produce content, including blog post wizard and paraphraser.

Below is a compilation of the languages that are supported by Marmof:

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Spanish
  4. Italian
  5. German
  6. Polish
  7. Portuguese
  8. Dutch
  9. Japanese
  10. Russian
  11. Chinese
  12. Bulgarian
  13. Czech
  14. Danish
  15. Greek
  16. Hungarian
  17. Lithuanian
  18. Latvian
  19. Romanian
  20. Slovak
  21. Slovene
  22. Swedish
  23. Finnish
  24. Estonian
  25. Arabic

In the future, we will be incorporating a variety of additional languages. ✅

Do you want to produce content in a particular language that is not currently supported by our platform? Please feel free to share your suggestions with us!